Streetsboro Heritage Foundation

Heritage Reserve in Silver Springs Park, 5120 Young Road, Stow OH, 44224

330.342.9918 |

Museums open the second Sunday of the month from 2-4 PM, March - November or by appointment! Please contact us to schedule a private tour. The cost of admission is free to visitors, but donations are appreciated to help with the maintenance and preservation of our collections.

The Stow Historical Society members carry on the tradition of preserving yesterday for today through programs, historic house tours, and the Annual Fall Harvest Festival. Our meetings are held the second Thursdays in March, April, June, September, October, and November at the Stewart Schoolhouse on Young Road at 7PM. An annual picnic is held in August and an old-fashioned sing-along and drive-thru in December. The Society conducts tours annually for Stow's 3rd grade students, as well as a mobile early pioneer living program and a "History in a basket" presentation!